As part of our Higher education for employability programme we are organising a live webinar on the topic of 'Making academic credit transfer work'.
The webinar is a joint event of the British Council, the Ministry of higher and secondary specialised education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Advance HE and El Yurt Umidi Foundation. It will bring together Higher Education professionals from the UK and Uzbekistan so we can exchange knowledge and ideas.
Credit transfer systems are a mechanism that can be used to support flexible learning routes in higher education both within a domestic and a global context. In the UK, there has been mixed response and experience of credit transfer across the sector. We will explore this with a view to informing possible approaches towards the development of credit transfer systems in Uzbekistan. This session will look at both the opportunities and challenges that credit transfer systems have as well as a variety of existing and future approaches.
The webinar will be opened by:
Komiljon Karimov, First deputy minister of higher and secondary specialised education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Denise Waddingham, Director, British Council, Uzbekistan
Jamilya Gulyamova, Deputy Director, British Council, Uzbekistan
The speakers at the session are:
Alison Johnes, CEO Advance HE
Vicki Stott, Chief Executive Officer, QAA
The session will be facilitated by Jamilya Gulyamova.
Joining details:
Meeting ID: 961 9531 4212
Passcode: 7Dwyc#