A young woman standing by a library shelf reading a book on quantum mechanics

In partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation of Uzbekistan and the UK’s Advance HE and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), the British Council is involved in two crucial elements of the development of higher education in Uzbekistan.

University Governance

The University Governance strand of Going Global Partnerships aims to establish the basis for the creation of a University Code of Governance for Uzbekistan, contributing to systemic and sustainable development.

The first phase will be part of a three- to five-year strategic vision to provide both national and local capacity and capability building to deliver effective academic governance, an essential ingredient for a successful higher education sector.

Objectives of the first phase (2023–24)

  • Work with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (MHESI) and other stakeholders to explore and identify key dimensions of a university code of governance.
  • Establish a national quality assurance (QA) working group under MHESI.
  • Review current governance practices and unpack the value and benefits of good governance in universities.
  • Share good international practice and develop capacity and capabilities to develop and implement the code and associated documents.
  • Develop a plan to create, implement and embed a university code of governance through our capacity development Change Academy programme, run in partnership with MHESI and Advance HE.

Quality Standards for Higher Education

The Quality Standards for Higher Education strand of Going Global Partnerships will establish the basis for the creation of a Quality Code for Higher Education in Uzbekistan.

This first phase will be part of a three- to five-year strategic vision. The aim is to provide both national and local capacity and set up systems for capability building. These will enable effective academic governance, an essential ingredient for a successful higher education sector.

Objectives of the first phase (2023–4)

  • Establish a national quality assurance (QA) working group under MHESI.
  • Offer initial training and ongoing support to the QA group under MHESI to meet its objectives.
  • Conduct gap analyses of the existing quality assurance standards in Uzbekistan against international standards to inform the development of an internal/institutional and external national quality code.
  • Develop a framework for a national quality code development; the Quality Code for Higher Education will become a key reference point and an overall framework for standards of higher education delivery in Uzbekistan.
  • Support the development of a guide/ministry order for internal quality audit.