Inclusive University Initiative (IUI) launched in 2022 by the British Council in Uzbekistan, Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), and the University of Westminster, in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MHESI), with support from the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is intended to support the enhancement of inclusive education in Higher Education in Uzbekistan.
A national Inclusive University Working Group (IUWG), established under the Ministry focuses on:
- Embedding inclusion in university strategies
- Shaping an inclusive curriculum
- Inclusive student support.
In 2023–24 the Group has worked with the stakeholders to conduct the mapping of Inclusive University Stakeholders and produce Good Practice Guide which was created in dialogue with major Higher Education (HE) partners in Uzbekistan, UK Transnational Education (TNE) providers, and other key organisations.
Among next steps of the project:
- Ongoing development and review of the Guide, grounded in initial feedback and ongoing dialogue and engagement with stakeholders
- Ongoing inclusion in the Guide of case studies from Uzbekistan and the UK
- Development of Inclusive University pilot projects with individual universities in Uzbekistan
- Follow up on the stakeholder mapping recommendations
- Ongoing role of the Inclusive University Working Group, aimed at keeping under review and monitoring the impact and success of this capacity development project.